Michael Dyrynda
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Laracon US 2017 talk recaps August 9th, 2017

During Laracon US 2016, I live-tweeted part of the conference. A large part of this was for my own memory purposes - I'd flow in the day before the conference and wanted to take notes to help me better absorb all the speakers' information - a technique I picked up from one of my high school teachers, which was to read the material, hear the material, and write it down for a better chance of recalling it at a later time.

This year, I set out to live-tweet the entire conference from start to finish. No small feat, particularly when you have speakers doing live coding and speakers that talk really quickly to cover a lot of content in a relatively short period of time.

Now that I'm back home, I've collected all of these tweets for each talk under their own Twitter moments, which I've shared below. This post also includes the speakers' slides where available.

Once the videos are available, I'll include them in this post as well.

Day One

Day Two

I'm a real developer ™
Michael Dyrynda


I am a software developer specialising in PHP and the Laravel Framework, and a freelancer, blogger, and podcaster by night.

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